Boca Raton Dentist Shares What to Expect Post Extraction
So, you’ve had a tooth removed. Now what? Here are some steps to follow to protect your mouth after a tooth extraction.
Blood Clot
Once you’ve had a tooth removed, you must get the blood to clot so you stop bleeding. This is also the beginning of the healing process. The dentist will have you bite down on gauze for at least thirty minutes after the appointment. If the bleeding continues after this time, repeat the process with another piece of gauze.
Once the clot has formed, it’s important that you don’t dislodge it. To avoid disturbing the clot, do not rinse your mouth vigorously. Also, avoid sucking on straws, drinking alcohol or smoking for the next 72 hours. While brushing your teeth is important, you won’t want to do it near the extraction site for a couple of days.
Avoid exercising for at least 24 hours as this can increase your blood pressure and cause more bleeding to the site of extraction.
Pain and Swelling
When you’ve had a tooth extracted, it is normal to experience some swelling and pain. Use an ice pack on the area to keep the swelling down. You can also take pain medications as recommended by the dentist. Your swelling should subside within 48 hours.
If the pain and swelling don’t seem to be relieving themselves over time, contact the dentist. It’s also important that you take any antibiotics which the dentist prescribes. Eat plenty of good-for-you food that is soft. As soon as you feel comfortable, you can resume a normal diet.
Resume a normal dental care routine as soon as you are comfortable. This includes flossing and brushing. As your mouth remains clean, your healing process will be easier. Go ahead and resume all normal activity a few days after the extraction.
If anything seems abnormal or you experience pain that cannot be controlled, call your Boca Raton dentist immediately. It could be a sign of a larger problem and you’ll want to have it treated sooner than later. Our office can be reached at (561) 391-0020, don't hesitate and give us a call!