Dentist Boca Raton Dental Bridges

Protect and Improve Damaged Teeth with Our Boca Raton Cosmetic Dentist

If you're missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge can be an effective way to restore your smile and maintain your oral health. Gaps between teeth can be potentially harmful, causing the surrounding teeth to shift and resulting in a misaligned bite. A bridge fills the gap by anchoring a false tooth, or pontic, to the surrounding teeth, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits. Our cosmetic dentist in Boca Raton, FL will help you find the best solution for your smile, ensuring a comfortable and durable fit.


Types of Dental Bridges

Dr. Wallace and Dr. Salazar offer three main types of dental bridges, each designed to meet specific needs and situations:

1. Traditional Fixed Bridge: The most common type, a traditional fixed bridge involves placing porcelain crowns over the two teeth adjacent to the gap. These crowns act as anchors, holding the false tooth in place. The pontic, or false tooth, is typically made of porcelain fused to metal or ceramics, ensuring a natural look and durability.

2. Cantilever Bridge: When teeth are present on only one side of the gap, a cantilever bridge is used. This type of bridge is suitable for areas of the mouth that don't experience heavy chewing forces, such as the front teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Boca Raton, FL will carefully assess your needs to determine if a cantilever bridge is the right choice for you.

3. Resin-Bonded Bridge: Also known as a Maryland bridge, this option involves bonding metal bands to the surrounding teeth with resin to hold a plastic false tooth in place. Resin-bonded bridges are typically used in less-stressful areas of the mouth, like the front teeth, where the bridge does not need to withstand the pressure of heavy chewing.


The Procedure for Dental Bridges

At our office, our friendly staff will guide you through the dental bridge procedure, which typically requires at least two visits.


First Visit: During your initial appointment, the surrounding teeth are prepared to support the bridge. This involves reshaping these teeth to accommodate crowns. An impression of your teeth is then taken and sent to a laboratory to create your custom bridge and crowns. To protect the exposed teeth and gums, a temporary bridge is placed until the permanent one is ready.


Second Visit: At the second appointment, the temporary bridge is removed, and the custom-made bridge from the laboratory is carefully fitted and adjusted. Our cosmetic dentist in Boca Raton, FL will ensure the bridge is comfortable and aligns perfectly with your bite. In some cases, additional visits may be necessary to fine-tune the fit for optimal comfort and function.


Why Choose a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge not only restores your smile's appearance but also prevents shifting teeth and maintains your bite's alignment. By replacing missing teeth, you reduce the risk of further dental issues and improve your overall oral health. Plus, with advancements in dental materials and techniques, modern bridges look more natural than ever, providing a seamless blend with your existing teeth.


If you're considering a dental bridge, contact our office today. Our experienced cosmetic dentist in Boca Raton, FL is ready to help you choose the best option for restoring your smile and confidence. Don't let missing teeth affect your life—schedule your consultation by calling (561) 391-0020 and discover how a dental bridge can transform your smile.